Friday, April 2, 2010

Is Writing A form Of Art?

Let us explore the world of writing. Now before you think I'm crazy, calligraphy is obviously a huge form of art! I mean just look at some of these beautiful pieces of art!

And thats only the beginning! I think calligraphy is deffinetly a lost art in America. In others cultures (such as Asia) calligraphy is an incredible art form where special materials that are used and everything!

But enough about Calligraphy! I want to talk about the written word, stories and fiction.

There is much beauty in the written word. Let us consider the letter A (my personal favorite). The letter A is only the first in 26 letter that can be arranged and rearranged to make billions of words in thousands of languages that have meanings from rock to diamond, from good to evil, from long to short etc. etc. not only do the individual words have meaning but when to put them together they mean so much more!

*phew* this could go on a while, lets move on to stories and fiction.

Have you ever read a book where the author was so good that it painted a picture in your mind? I'm talking about the kind of books that make you forget that you are even reading?
What about a story teller? My Grandpa Al is an incredible story teller, with his stories I have been transported to Africa and back, Ran from mountain lions, and laughed as My great great grandfather escaped from Indians by using an ever obedient donkey named Bess.

Stories and books are incredible things and in my opinion some of the greatest pieces of art. There is nothing more that I love (besides impatient art) then sitting down with a book from one of my favorite authors (you know who you are) and getting lost for a few hours.

so for today GO READ A BOOK!

(Or if you cant bare to leave your computer, check out a fun story blog here.)


  1. Thank you, sweet girl!!! You have such a great talent for making me feel like a million bucks!! You are talented in many, many other ways too. You're a fantastic artist and photographer, you're a beautiful girl, you're a good friend, you're full of compassion and kindness, you have a strong testimony of the gospel, and I am so, so, SO lucky to have you as a friend!
    I'm so glad I turned around that day at church and said hello to the newbies. ;)

  2. Great Post Kiddo.... I almost forgot I was reading ,as I was pulled in to your impatient world of art appreciation....DAD
